• Maturity in general is completion and judgment, and human maturity is the completion of physical, psychological, social and spiritual functions and harmony between them. The emotional maturity is the elevation of the individual by controlling his emotions and their suitability with his level of temporal age, experiences and the nature of heterogeneous situations, so that his emotional responses are consistent with what is expected of a specific energy and proportionate to the Resurge Pills Reviews situation.

    * The gradual progression of the soul from the physical level (the brain and the perceptions it receives through the senses or the executive orders it sends to the prey) to the mental level (where logical analysis and abstract objective thinking) to the heart level (where beliefs and emotions) to the spiritual level (where eternal communication With the unseen realm and where the tendency towards immortality and the pursuit of God’s face)

    And psychological functions - in this scenario - are transmitted dynamically up and down through the aforementioned levels (physical, mental, cardiac, and spiritual), and in the case of psychological maturity we find that all these levels are active and working without neglecting or excluding any of them, and the leadership of the soul is in the central operations unit which is the heart (Moral).

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    The psychological activity is limited to the lower levels only (physical or physical and mental only) and this activity is proven in those levels in the sense that his movement becomes less flexible, and therefore this immature person lives a limited presence and drowns in the details of his physical and mental needs and spends his life defending his pleasures and possessions and does not expand His awareness of the higher levels of existence. (For more details see the book: "Self Levels"

    The five dimensions of emotional intelligence:

    Goleman spoke of five dimensions of this type of intelligence, which we briefly summarize below:

    1- Self - awareness:

    Self-awareness is the basis for self-confidence and good management, we always need to know our Resurge Pills strengths and weaknesses objectively, and we take this knowledge as a basis for our capabilities. We also need to learn from childhood to get to know our feelings and call them the correct name so we do not confuse anxiety, depression, anger, feeling lonely and feeling hungry ... etc. This Resurge objective awareness makes us more efficient in managing it and makes our decisions more right.


    2- Dealing with emotional aspects in general: (Handling emotions generally)

    We need to know how to treat and deal with the feelings that hurt us, disturb us, and those that make us happy. This continuous training in knowledge, treatment, and intake increases our experience day after day in managing our emotional system in order to benefit from its huge advantages and avoid its harmful risks.


    3- Motivation:

    The presence of strong motivations that encourage us to progress and strive towards our goals is the third component of emotional intelligence. Hope is an essential component of motivation, that we have a goal and know our steps step by step towards achieving it, that we have enthusiasm and perseverance to continue the pursuit.


    4- Mental sympathy (Empathy):

    Mental sympathy (understanding) is the fourth component of emotional intelligence and means: reading other people's feelings from their voice or facial expressions and not necessarily from what they say. Knowing the feelings of others is a basic human ability that we see even in children. Goleman says that a three-year-old who lives in a loving family seeks to calm other children or sympathize with them if they cry, while children whose parents are mistreating or neglecting them cry out in the face of the child who cries and sometimes beats him.


    Goleman emphasizes that emotional intelligence is learned, and that learning begins from the early years of life and continues.

    Goleman mentions the case of a murderer who committed seven murders and in a clinical interview he answered the question: Did you feel any compassion for the victims? He answered: Never, if I felt pity I would not be able to do what I did. We conclude from this that compassion is what restricts the cruelty of man, and he maintains the civilization of man and that emotional intelligence is not related to the known percentage of mental intelligence.


    5- Social Skills:

    The more the person is equipped with adequate and adequate social skills, the better his ability to deal with situations and crises. As for those who lack the social skills, they flounder and suffer from the problems of misalignment.


    The importance of emotional intelligence:

    1- Emotional Intelligence plays an important role in the compatibility of the child with his parents, siblings, peers and his environment so that he grows together and in harmony with life, as it leads to improving and raising the efficiency of academic achievement.

    2 - emotional intelligence helps to overcome the crisis of adolescence and other crises after that, such as the crisis of middle age in peace.

    3 - emotional intelligence is an important factor in the stability of married life, a good expression of feelings and understanding the feelings of the other party and caring for them in a mature manner, all of which guarantees a wonderful marriage compatibility.

    4- The emotional intelligence behind success in work and life. The most intelligent and emotional are loved, perseverant, and empathetic, brilliant, able to communicate and lead, and are determined to succeed.

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    Given the importance of emotional intelligence, psychologists have recommended its development through educational lessons, training courses and workshops aimed at achieving high degrees of emotional intelligence, which we call emotional maturity, and we will talk about it now in some detail due to its importance.

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